Public Record Searches

Leaders in accurate & dependable public records search

Charles Jones has been a leader in accurate and dependable public records searches since 1911. From manual searches to advanced web-based systems, our cutting edge technology and expert staff deliver the reliable information you need.

Specializing in services for New Jersey and Pennsylvania, we offer comprehensive public records search solutions nationwide for coporations and individuals.


Leaders in accurate & dependable public record searches

Charles Jones has been a leader in accurate and dependable public record searches since 1911. From manual searches to advanced web-based systems, our cutting-edge technology and expert staff deliver the reliable information you need.

While specializing in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, we offer comprehensive services nationwide.


Regional & National Public Records

No regional public record firm matches Charles Jones in serving the title, legal, and lending markets with our level of resources and expertise. We pride ourselves on providing high-quality due diligence solutions in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.


Name Searches

We provide best in class certified child support, judgment lien, and patriot name search services.


Tax Searches

Certified tax and assessment searches in NJ and certified tax and utility certifications in PA.


Flood & Tideland

We provide tideland & wetland searches in NJ, plus flood and life of loan monitoring nationwide.


County Search

We offer County Search services for all 21 counties in NJ and the DTS title plant covering 80% of the state.


Corporate & UCC

Fast, reliable Corporate Services solutions provided in both New Jersey and Pennsylvania.


Nationwide Services

We offer due diligence services including corporate document retrieval, filing and registered agent services.


Embracing the past.  Building the future.

Charles Jones has been the industry leader in accurate and dependable due diligence searches for over a century.


What Our Clients Are Saying

Hear success stories straight from our customers.

“clients that demand Charles Jones”

We have clients that demand Charles Jones for their upper court and tidelands reports. Charles Jones's staff makes ordering...Read more

Peter Casey Wall, CTP

Foundation Title Group

“always seems to know what we need”

The first thing we tell everyone is that Charles Jones handles our searches. We've partnered with Charles Jones for years...Read more

The Team at Fortune Title Agency

Fortune Title Agency

“pleasant and friendly to work with”

The team at Charles Jones is superior in providing exceptional service in the various industry searches & services they provide...Read more

Janet Barrows

CB Title Group, LLC

Read News & Insights From Our Experts.

Navigating Daniel's Law and its Impact

Governor Murphy signed Daniel's Law (P.L.2020, c.125), which altered the Open Public Records Act (OPRA) — as well as other statutes — to prohibit government records custodians from disclosing home addresses of judicial officers, prosecutors, and law enforcement officers.

Many of our DTS title plants are 30 years or older

Many of our title plants are 30 years or older! Once only a present owner tool, the majority of our title plants are now capable of executing full 30-year searches and higher percentages of two-owner searches than ever before.

Tideland Search Importance

Tideland searches are important in real estate transactions to uncover if the State of New Jersey has claim to all or a portion of the property. A story done by ABC7 Eyewitness News illustrates the need for a tideland search.